Tuesday, December 12, 2017

NOAA equations for solar data (sunrise, sunset, elevation, azimuth, Julian Day, Equation of Time, etc..

   In a recent post I presented the equation for energy incident on a solar panel (Sm).
Here I present the set of equations used to calculate sunrise, sunset, and solar elevation and azimuth.


#This particular set was extracted from an Excel spreadsheet made available by NOAA.

#360 deg/2*pi=57.29578
#if in radians, do sin(x/r) to get degrees

LT: Local Tiime
UT:Universal Time
TZ:Time Zone


#For the Day:
#B3=Latitude, + to N
#B4=Longitude + to E
#B5=Time Zone + to E    ( calculations use TZ)

=date, mm/dd/yyyy , Calculations use JD

#E2=T past local midnight (used in TST and Elev refraction calc)
#sum of 0.1/24 from midnight to current with .1/24 increments (fraction of the day in tenths of an hour ; 6 min = 0.0041666 day)
# In the JD, the previous day +.5 is midnight since the calendar sarts at noon.
#F2=Julian Day

#G=Julian , used in other functions, translated into radians. Functions that make up S and T use G (P,R,Q).


#I=Geom Mean Long Sun

#J=Geometric Mean Anomaly of the Sun

#K=Eccentricity of Earth orbit

#L=Sun Eq of Ctr

#M=Sun True Long degrees

#N=Sun True Anomaly degrees

#O=Sun Radius Vector, A.U.

#P=Sun Apparent Long

#Q=Mean Oblique Ecliptic degrees

#R=Oblique Correction factor

#S=Right Ascension degrees

#T=Declination in degrees

#U=var y

#V=EoT minutes

#W=HA Sunrise degrees

#X=Sun noon LST

#Y=Sunrise time
#Y=Sunrise time
#Z=Sunset time

#AA2=Sunlight duration


#AC2=Hour Angle


#AE2= Sun elevation in degrees

#AF2=Atmospheric refraction un degrees

#AG2=Sun Elevation corrected for refraction

#AH2=Sun Azimuth degrees clockwise from North



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