Monday, March 5, 2018

Update and plans for CGI model of shadows

This post, I'm laying out plans to construct an animation of my property and the shadows cast throughout the year. I also recap progress on the installation.
   This will allow me to determine the best location for my array, or whether I will need to move the array, at least once per  year.

   The software I'll be using is Pov-Ray (Point of View Raytracer). If possible and necesasary, I'll use the architectural raytracer, Radiance.

   I have the formulae I need to do the calculations for solar positioning throughout the year. I'll get terrain data from D.E.M. data provided by the government for free. I also have twenty years of CDs containing GIS data and software to fall back on.
  The D.E.M. (Digital Elevation Map) is a file containing elevation data for points on an area of terrain. Generally, a seven degree quadrangle is the unit of measure. One 'quad' will contain data points similar to the pixels in an image file. The difference is the image data represents color or grayscale values. In fact, I have converted DEM files into grayscale high dynamic range images for use in rendering engines (raytracers). I constructed an animated gif of a local quad from topographic map graphic layers and a DEM layer. The gif shows the flat topo map flat, then the DEM data 'pushing' through from under to create a 3D map with a topo map overlay.

   I may use the Moray 3D object editing software to construct geometric tree and house objects to cast shadows. Some have created tree files for use in populating a landscape in Pov-Ray. I may use one of those.

   I've determined I need to double the number of watts for a comfortable minimum power for the system. A factor of two compensates for days that are overcast. There have to be more watts (panels) or more batteries. The panels last longer than batteries and are less expensive in terms of usage. Batteries last about five years. Panels have an industry wide warranty of twenty years for 80% rating.
   There is a balance between the number of batteries and panels.  Extra batteries are needed to draw only 50% of available power. The general rule for lead acid deep cycle batteries is: use no more than 50% to preserve longevity.

   There is one alternative to moving the array around. Find a way to get the owner of the adjoining property to remove or lower the top level of the evergreen trees blocking the sunlight from my array in the winter months.

   I may take that option. Roof mount would be an option if the roof were slanted more South. The roof points 20 degrees East of South. I would need to build a stage to position the aray pointing South. That is too difficult and costly. I don't like the idea of modifying my roof, either.

   That is the end of this post.


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