Friday, November 24, 2017

Timelapse shadow study

November 24, 2017

This is a cellphone (Apple iPhone 4) timelapse video of the area of my yard of interest. The region of least shadow, and therefore most sun, is easily determined. The iPhone phone 4 has a lower resolution imagery, but I'm not interested in details in this video and the file size and screen size are ideal for a blog like this.

I include a couple of graphs of the before-and-after type as illustrations. I've included a graph for the day of the eclipse as an interesting example.

The above image is the 'before' shot. Half my solar day is lost due to obstructions. October 30, 2017.

This image is the 'after' shot. I've recovered a great deal of the lost energy. November 23, 2017.

I'll post a page on the changes in available sunlight throughout the year, next.


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