Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Interrupted data collection


There is a problem with the RPi's ability to run uninterrupted.

The charge controller is not connected to the router by cable, but by WiFi.

A problem occurs when the router/modem is powered up. Most of a line of data is lost.

The data collection script collects fifteen data points. Fifteen for each line of the table, a CSV file.

The collection is done every thirty seconds. 

When the router/modem is powered up, the first eleven or twelve are lost. This occurs for only one line during each power up, but is still troublesome.

I intend to leave the RPi running continuously. I also have a script that publishes the data on a webpage. When the data gap occurs, the graphing script stops plotting. the page is blank.

Is there a way to disable the WiFi during a data collection operation?

I had the problem a year or so past and concluded the computer was being overloaded with running processes or had speed limitations. At any rate, I slowed down the sampling rate to once every thirty seconds for the Epever controller. That solved the problem then.

I can be satisfies with a one minute sampling rate, but the problem disappeared after an adjustment.


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